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  • Writer's pictureNeocleous Lab

Osteoporosis 4 Nutrients

Osteoporosis is one of the most common bone diseases.

One in three women and one in five men over the age of 50 suffer from #osteoporosis.

It is characterized by low bone mass and as a result bones become brittle, significantly increasing the risk of fractures.

With the 4 nutrients below we reduce the chances to a great extent:

Calcium - Milk, Yogurt, Cheese

Vitamin D - Fatty Fish, Eggs

Magnesium: Nuts, Broccoli, Banana

Vitamin K2: Cabbage, Carrot, Beans

In any case, we consult our #doctor and carry out all the #analyses to find any more evidence we lack.

Neocleus Clinical Laboratories

Diagnostic clinical centers Limassol

#gesi GeSY - Health Insurance Organization

Neocleous Lab

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